Venice Florida Moose
Lodge #1308
111 N Auburn Rd
Venice FL 34292
Open Mon/Tue/Thu: 11 AM - 9:30 PM
Wed/Fri/Sat: 11 AM - 11 PM
Sundays 8 AM - 8 PM
Activities for Moose Members

moose tuesday trivia moose bingo
Lunch Served every day, and Dinner served Mon -Saturday. See the menu.
moose karaoke moose music
Enjoy the best in live music every Friday and Saturday 7:30- 10:30 PM.
Welcome to the Venice Florida Moose Lodge, we're glad you're here. Look around and we know you will find more than one activity that grabs your attention. Of course, you have to be member of the Moose Fraternity to partake, so have your membership card ready when you come in. If you're not a Moose member yet, you may enter the Lodge as a guest of a Member, but may not make any purchases and must leave when your member/host leaves.
venice moose actvities
All About Us

One Moose
General Membership meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Monday at 6:30 PM. All lodge members, male and female, are welcome to attend.
WOTM-Chapter 758
Chapter 758 meets on the 2nd Monday of the month to discuss WOTM business and activities. All Chapter members are encouraged to attend.
moose legion
The Moose Legion meets at 6 PM on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. If you're a member of the Degree of Service, you should attend this meeting.
Venice Valued Vet logo
Moose Valued Veterans meet most months at a date that can be found on the calendar. If you're a vet, have you joined Moose Valued Veterans?
Why We Do What We Do

Important notice:  The Loyal Order of Moose is a private organization.  All activities and events referred to on this Web site and the Moose newsletter are available to members in standing and their qualified guests only.  This Web site is for informational purposes with proprietary information intended for members only.  General information is available to the public at large, but should not be construed to be a solicitation for membership.  This Website is an initiative of Venice Moose Lodge 1308 and is not sanctioned by the Loyal Order of Moose, Moose International or any subsidiary thereof.  All logos, trademarks and servicemarks pertaining to the Loyal Order of Mooseand/or its programs or degrees are copyrighted by Moose International, Inc., Mooseheart, Illinois.